Today I came across two things that left a lot of questions. Without more information in English or time to ask (we only had an hour at this location) I was left with a lot of questions.

the first thing was a dwelling from the Jomon period. I didn’t know what the Jomon period was but just assumed it was a native population of ancient Japan. After some wiki-research I’ve learned SO MUCH! The Jomon period was 30,000 BC and likely back when Japan was closer to China so that the waters between were more like a straight. This native population was sedentary and so built permanent homes like these: some even with stone flooring. I also learned these were built in a time when Japan was much hotter so these homes served to keep them cool.

This is also the origin of these fellows: whom I saw in the gift shop but nowhere on the grounds itself. The dogu statue (the human-like statue of Animal Crossing fame) was a relic of this period and an additional rabbit hole I explored in the process of this.

I understand crows can be a pest in that they go through trash. But, that aside, what should I beware of? Are they violent? What incites their violence? Brandishing shiny objects of desire? Or, are they just trying to make sure people pick up after themselves to deter more crows?
Regardless, this ominous sign caused me to jump every time a crow cawed lest I play a leading role in a reenactment of The Birds.